Thank You
[I started this service by reading Psalm 136]
This past week we celebrated one of
the most vital religious holidays of our culture. This holiday was created to
celebrate the one thing that is most important for Americans. People celebrated
by doing some things that we do pretty much every day, but on a really grand
scale. All kinds of people gathered in huge crowds to celebrate. Yes, I am
talking about Black Friday, the holiday we celebrate by getting up insanely
early to buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we
don’t like.
Our culture really is all about
money; there is a reason people talk about the Almighty Dollar. People don’t
set out to worship it, but that’s precisely what happens. The entire presidential
election centered on the economy (nobody wanted to talk about foreign policy or
anything else – it was all about jobs and taxes). Black Friday ends up
overshadowing Thanksgiving, not even waiting until Friday anymore to open. That
said, most of us celebrated Thanksgiving in some form or another this week,
giving thanks for important things such as family, our health, jobs,
possessions, homes, and, of course, the delicious food that many of us ate too
much of that day.
For that day, we’re thankful. Most of
us are probably genuinely thankful, too. Our culture is not one based on
thanksgiving, however. Otherwise we wouldn’t have to stop and think and give
thanks once a year.
In Colossians 3:15-17, the Apostle
Paul is writing to the church in Colossae, and he says: And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you
were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And
whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Three times in the span of three
verses, Paul repeats one word: thanks. When a biblical writer repeats himself,
he wants to make sure you understand it. When he repeats something three times,
you’d better believe he’s serious. So Paul wants to make sure that the church
in Colossae gets this one thing: thankfulness!
How many of you have received
something that you’re not really thankful for? When I was in fourth grade, it
was time for our annual class Christmas gift exchange. Each boy bought a gift
for a boy, and each girl bought gifts for a girl. At recess my friend Greg was talking
about the gift he’d brought, probably the single toy I had the least use for: a
Slinky. Yeah, I ended up with the Slinky. I was not thankful. There are times
when it is hard to be thankful, even when we have good things. In fact, most of
the conversations I have with people include the stark reminder that most of us
aren’t thankful most of the time. We always have something to complain about. We
know we’re supposed to be thankful,
but sometimes we just don’t feel
thankful. So Paul gives us some practical advice.
It all starts with our heart
condition: And let the peace of Christ
rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be
thankful. A heart at peace will be a thankful heart. Why? Because this is
what God calls us to. One of our problems is that our hearts are not at peace
and so we have to resort to comparisons in order to try to make us feel more
thankful. We have to remind ourselves that most of the problems we face are
what can be called “first world problems” in other words, problems that the
rest of the world would never even think about. Like: I don’t have enough room
in my closet for all my shoes. Tell that to someone who doesn’t own shoes. Or,
to go back to what many parents have told children for years: children in
(insert geographical location of malnourished children) are starving and would
love to eat your (insert undesirable type of food that is currently getting
cold on the child’s plate). That doesn’t engender thankfulness. But the peace
of Christ puts all of our external circumstances into perspective. This is why
Paul can write to the church in Philippi saying, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
(Philippians 4:4) while he is sitting in jail wondering if he will live or die.
Not only do we need to let Jesus
Christ’s peace rule our hearts, but Paul also tells us to Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with
thankfulness in your hearts to God.
If you want to keep Christ’s peace
ruling your heart, you have to be living in the Word. If you’re just reading
the Bible, you are risking missing the point. You can read and read, but if the
Word isn’t transforming you, if you’re not being taught and admonished, then
it’s not dwelling in you. Too many people never read the Word at all. And then,
of those who do read the Bible, there are some who just read it. I once had a
district superintendent tell the clergy: if you lead a Bible study and people’s
lives aren’t changed, don’t go on and do another Bible study; do the same one
over again until people’s lives are changed! As the Word dwells richly within
us, we are equipped to teach and admonish one another – by, with, and through
the wisdom of the Word. And we are moved to sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual
songs. Too often we complain about musical style – and yes, I know that my
personal taste is correct – but we can easily miss the fact that the Bible
tells us to use different musical styles! It’s not about the style of music,
but about the state of our hearts. God doesn’t approve of the best music if
it’s not coming from a thankful heart.
Here’s what thanksgiving comes down
to: And whatever you do, in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through him. Think of it this way: if you can’t give thanks to God for what
you are doing, thinking, or being, then as a Christian, you probably don’t have
any business doing, thinking, or being it. There are times when we specifically
evoke Jesus’ name, like when we’re praying, but did you realize that if you
call yourself a Christian, you are already doing everything in Jesus’ name? How
well do you wear that name? Think about your words and deeds, not just here
while we’re meeting in this building, but every day – how do they reflect
I love the vision that John tells in
Revelation 4, in which we see a throne in heaven with twenty four thrones and
twenty four elders, dressed in white and wearing golden crowns. There are what
John describes as four living creatures, covered with eyes and with wings, and
all day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”
(Revelation 4:8b)
Revelation 4:9-11 And whenever the living creatures give glory
and honor and thanks to him who is seated on the throne, who lives forever and
ever, the twenty four elders fall down before him and worship him who lives
forever and ever. They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are
you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created
all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”
This is an amazing picture – these
elders have received crowns as rewards for their good deeds, and they are
bowing and throwing their crowns down to God, really, truly giving it all to
him. This is true thanksgiving – living a life of good deeds, not to somehow
try to win or earn salvation, but to lay down as gifts before God. I love this
If we go back to the passage I read
in Colossians 3, there is only one thing Paul that repeats more than thanks.
Did you notice what it is? Five times, Paul uses names of God: Christ, Christ,
God, Lord Jesus, God the Father. He talks about the peace of Christ ruling in
our hearts. He talks about the word of Christ richly dwelling in us. The thankfulness in your hearts is directed toward
God. And every word we say or deed we do is done in the name of the Lord Jesus
with the purpose of giving thanks to God the Father through him.
God himself is the key to living a
life of thanksgiving – we don’t merely give thanks to God for what he has given
us, but we give thanks to God for who he is. I began by reading Psalm 136, where
we are instructed to Give thanks to the
Lord. Give thanks to him for his goodness. Give thanks for his never-ending
love. Give thanks for his power, that he is the God over all gods, that he is the
Lord over all lords. He alone does great wonders. He made the heavens by his
understanding. He made the earth, the sun, and the moon. He rules the people of
the earth with his outstretched arm and has worked history to get us to the
place where he wants us. Through Psalm 136, we read of God’s mighty acts in
history, and he doesn’t get to “us” until verse 23. He remembers us in our low
estate, frees us from our enemy, and provides for us. Give thanks to the God of
heaven. His love endures forever.
What would it look like if you were
to recount your autobiography, giving thanks to God through it all? What would
it look like if you started your life story with “Give thanks to the Lord” and
then you wrote your life story, including all of the highs and lows, and after
each event, you wrote, “For his love endures forever”? Would you gain any new
insight? Would you gain any new perspective? God is the author of your story,
so there is a purpose for what he has allowed to be written into it. So give
thanks to him for it, for his love endures forever. Your assignment this week: take
some time to start viewing your life in those terms. Allow your story to be one
of thanksgiving, not just in the good
times and bad, but for the good times
and bad. For God can be found in both.
Before I close in prayer, let us
spend some time giving thanks to God for who he is. This is the
congregation-participation portion of today’s sermon. It’s your chance to give
thanks to God. This is what’s called popcorn prayer – wherever you are, just
call out something about God that you are thankful for.