The Power of Grace
Titus 2:11-15 Last week, Paul gave Titus some instructions for leading different groups of Christians on Crete. He called Titus to teach what is in accord with sound doctrine, which would enable them to stand against the prevailing culture. Remember that living a holy life, which is really counter-cultural, is not what makes God love us. It’s not what saves us. It, however, does provide us the opportunity to present Jesus Christ in the best possible light. We who are Christians already love and trust Him. That’s the context in which we surrender to Him. But why should we expect a world that doesn’t know Him to turn over their entire lives to Him? This is why we have a duty to share Him accurately. Paul doesn’t want any of this accuracy left to chance, so he continues with a power-packed sentence. He wants to make it clear to his audience which God he is talking about, and, as has been his form in his letter to Titus, he proclaims a God who is in direct contrast to the c...