
Showing posts from June, 2011

Back to Basics

Today is Fathers’ Day, and there are probably some of you who don’t realize that the only “seasonal” sermons I do relate to Christian holidays, such as Advent and Christmas and Lent and Easter. I don’t structure my sermon series around our cultural holidays. If I did, But I will say something about and to fathers as I start. Our culture consistently ridicules and devalues fathers. Find me a current TV show in which the father is recognized as smart or relevant. Children are the smart ones and moms are the wise ones, and the dads are the bumbling fools. Fathers, whether through failure or success, pass something down to their children. It is up to each one of us to choose what it is we will pass down. And this isn’t just a message for biological fathers. Each of us has the opportunity to become spiritual parents to someone. The Apostle Paul was a spiritual father to Timothy. When Paul writes to Timothy, he calls him “My true son in the faith.” (1 Timothy 1:2a) Who are your spiritua...

Bold Words from a Young Preacher

This week our congregation had the privilege of hearing Eric Hoover preach. Eric is a member of our youth group and he will be starting his freshman year of high school in the fall. Below is Eric's sermon - I have included it verbatim and have only edited to highlight Scripture. I hope it touches you like it did our congregation. Blessings, Brian. Good morning! My name’s Eric Hoover, for those of you who don’t know me. The sermon that I’m about to preach, I did come up with on my own, but some of the material was inspired by three of the greatest influences in my Christian walk right now, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, and Paul Washer. I would encourage everybody, Google them, Youtube them, go buy books by them, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, and Paul Washer. They’re amazing pastors and authors and they can really help you in your walk with God. Alright, I’ll open with some Scripture, and then we’ll pray. Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is ea...