A Shocking Visit
Luke 1:26-55 I once met a guy who talked to angels. He was also homeless. When we hear people talking about spiritual encounters, our western modern response is frequently skepticism; we understand that there are spiritual forces out there somewhere, but they just don’t manifest themselves in a visible, tangible way. This was also true during the period about which Luke narrates. We are following the “Intertestimental Period,” the time between the Old and New Testaments, in which God had been silent. For 400 years, the prophets weren’t speaking, because God was silent. And then an angel appeared, not to prophets, not to kings, not to a warrior or to the powerful, but to a young, unmarried woman. You have to understand that in those times, a woman derived her worth by the man she was attached to. A young woman’s worth came from her father, and the Bible doesn’t tell us who he was. We know that she was related to E...