
Showing posts from April, 2010

Jesus in the Rear-View Mirror

Luke 24:13-35 I love long distance running.  I run all the time. I especially love getting out and running on new trails.  Just keep me off the treadmill, and I’m good. But what I really love is running with other people.  I went to Zondervan’s National Pastors Convention two years, and one of my highlights there was the Runners’ Club.  A whole bunch of us would gather at 7 am to put in some mileage. While we ran, we would talk and get to know each other.  A month or so ago, I met with some guys to run a 12/5 mile loop through the Hocking Hills, and I came out with new friends – and they now call me “Reverend Run”.  When I’m at Annual Conference, I will put in early morning miles with Rob Turner and Blaine Keene.  We talk about all kinds of things, even intensely personal matters. When I was in high school, I didn’t care so much for track meets; what I liked was practice.  Time to spend running, talking, fellowshipping with each other, to use a ...

Easter Sunday: He's ALIVE!

Alive!  John 20:1-18 Over the past six weeks, we have been looking at vital signs from the Gospel According to John: the signs and wonders Jesus performed, and, more importantly, why he did them.  We saw him turn water into wine.  We saw him heal the son of a royal official.  We saw him feed 5000 people with just five small loaves of bread and two small fish.  We saw him walk on water.  He healed a man who was born blind.  And we saw him raise Lazarus from the dead.  Besides their obvious reasons, each of these miracles served an important purpose. They all pointed to Jesus’ true identity.  With several of his miracles, Jesus made some amazing statements: ·          I am the bread of life. ·          I am the light of the world. ·          I am the gate for the sheep. ·        ...