Dead or Alive
John 11:1-44 They say that the two things we can count on in this life are death and taxes. And although it’s almost taboo to talk about death in our culture, I’m sure not touching taxes with a ten foot pole. So we’re stuck talking about death. Think about how hard it is to talk about death; we have all sorts of phrases we use to avoid even saying the word. “passed away” “passed on” “went to be with the LORD” or (Tara’s grandfather’s old favorite) “six feet under.” We have our bodies embalmed and we say things at funerals like “oh, she looks so natural!” – and sometimes it’s true. Our culture is obsessed with looking younger and staving off old age. Just ask a woman how old she is… or maybe don’t! But here’s the deal: we’re mortal. We will all die. The only thing we can be absolutely certain of is that this life always ends with death. And I don’t think we like that much. So we do everything we can to avoid even the t...