Today is the Day to Give God Control of Your Finances
Luke 12:13-34 I think that the hardest things for pastors to preach about are sin and money. It’s hard to preach on sin because it hits too close to home. Jesus had a unique standing when preaching about sin, because he never sinned, but the rest of us speak as participants. Yes, cleansed from sin by the grace of God and the gift of Jesus on the cross, but participants nonetheless. And it’s hard to preach on money because I don’t know if there’s anything else that we take so personally – maybe music. But when someone else has the audacity to “suggest” what we are supposed to do with “our” hard-earned money, it’s just downright offensive. That said, Jesus talked a lot about money. In fact, he talked more about money than he did heaven or hell. There must be something to it if Jesus thought it was worth his time to talk about. So today we’re going to talk about money. Here’s the big picture: anything that gets in the way of our ...