What is the Missing Piece of the Puzzle?
1st in the series: Putting the Pieces Together: a Journey towa rd mature discipleship* In 1950, Bob Pierce founded what has become World Vision, the world’s largest Christian relief and development agency. Today that organization serves more than fifty million people a year in 103 countries. Bob Pierce was passionate for Jesus and for stamping out hunger and disease. His friends said, "He is restless to win souls." "I have never met a person with greater compassion." "He is a true Christian Samaritan who literally laid down his life for the needy ‘little’ people of the world." Bob’s passion led him around the world, marked by his desire to meet spiritual and physical needs wherever he saw them. Bob was a picture of mature Christianity, but the tragic reality is that his work was done at the expense of his family. A family friend said of Bob’s wife, "she knew a deprivation of a different kind than those to whom her husband was ministering." Bob Pi...