
Showing posts from December, 2007

What Can We Believe About Christmas? Does Jesus Match the Prophetic Fingerprint?

Did Jesus offer credible credentials to back up his divine claims? Yes! Miracles: John 10:37 told John to look for his miracles. Isaiah said Miracles would be one way the Messiah would authenticate himself. Power over nature: walking on water Power over sickness: healing leprosy & blindness Power over death: raising Lazarus Jesus’ opponents never denied his miracles. Even the Talmud admits miracles, and Mohammed, the founder of Islam, admits Jesus’ miracles and his virgin birth. Character – often the closer we get to others, the more we see their flaws, but the opposite happened with Jesus! John & Peter saw him up close and personal: their assessment: 1 John 3:5 – in Him is no sin 1 Peter 2:22 – committed no sin, no deceit was in him. Who can have the same said about them? The way he fit the fingerprint of divine prophecy. Only the Messiah could fit this fingerprint: He was: Born of a virgin Of the seed of Abraham Of the tribe of Judah Of the house of David Born in Bethlehem ...

What Can We Believe About Christmas? Weighing the Evidence, pt. 2

If an atheist told you that Jesus’ bones had been found, would you still be a Christian? How about if, instead of an atheist, it was someone at Main Street who told you; would you repudiate your Christianity? What if I, as your pastor came and told you, and Pastor Dave, Mitch Arnold, and Dave Hunt came in to back me up; would you still be a Christian? How about if you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone had found the bones of Jesus Christ, proving that He hadn’t resurrected, would that do anything to your faith? If it doesn’t change anything for you, then I would encourage you to figure out what the basis for your belief is, because it might be based more on wishful thinking than in fact. The truth is that nobody is going to find Jesus’ bones, because He rose from the grave. But this underscores the importance of the evidence we have that helps to prove what we believe is true. Nazareth, Bethlehem, December 25th, Quirinius, a Roman census, no room in the inn, a baby born in a ...

What Can We Believe About Christmas? Weighing the Evidence

Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us. They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write a careful account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught. Luke 1:1-4 It all sounds a bit fanciful, if you ask me. A virgin and her husband-to-be, travelling by donkey through the wintry night to Bethlehem, where they find no room in the inn. So they end up in a stable where, on December 25, in the year 1 BC, they have a baby. They wrap the baby in cloths and lay him in a manger. Then an angel appears to shepherds and they run to see the baby. They hurry to put up a Christmas tree, because there’s no tree in the stable. Martin Luther then comes to help them hang candles in the tree to mimic the sight of the light hitting the snow on the trees in the forest they c...

Mission Sunday

This week was Mission Sunday, so, instead of a sermon, there were presentations made for the following ministries: Compassion International Epiphany Ministry Prisoner Alert Bibles Unbound Pastor Support Program You can click on any of the above links to find out more information about these life-changing programs to share the love of Jesus Christ with the most needy.